Venison Stir Fry

Venison Stir Fry

Stir Frys are quick delicious meals for all the family. I often cook them as the Minute Steaks defrost quickly so a home made delicious meal is ready in no time!


1 x pack of Venison Minute Steaks

1 x red onion

1 x red pepper

3 x spring onions

4 x garlic cloves, crushed

Add any other veg you fancy or have lurking in the fridge. We usually add sweetcorn too.

Olive oil

Soya Sauce

Fish sauce

Noodles or Rice


  1. Cut the Venison Minute Steaks into thin strips, about the size of your finger.

  2. Pop a good glug of oil in a heavy based frying pan or wok and heat. Cut the onion into a mixture of finely sliced and diced and then add to the hot oil and fry. Add the crushed garlic.

  3. Mix well then add the Venison and brown all over.

  4. Pop in the finely sliced pepper (or any other veg you fancy) and mix. Pop in a good slug of soya sauce and fish sauce (the latter is very salty so do taste as you go).

  5. Place the pan on the warming plate (or turn the temperature down) and then add the ready to wok noodles. Mix well, add the chopped spring onions and then I tend to pop on the pan lid for 5 mins.

  6. Serve straight away! If you prefer, miss out the noodles and simply serve with rice.