Venison Stroganoff

Venison Cookery Demonstration Morning for 6 People

Venison Cookery Demonstration Morning for 6 People


We are passionate about Venison and want to share our Venison Recipes and cooking tips with as many people as possible! If you would like to learn more about how to cook Venison do gather a group of 6 friends together and book a Venison Demonstration Session!

It begins at 10:30am with coffee in our drawing room and then Mrs Venison, an enthusiastic self taught Farmhouse cook, will take you through to the kitchen to demonstrate how to cook 4 different cuts of Venison to fill you with confidence and inspiration. You and your friends will then enjoy eating the venison dishes for lunch in our historic Walled Garden.

Included is a signed copy Anona’s fabulous new Venison Cook Book, “The Venison Kitchen” for each attendee.

For clarity the total cost for 6 people is £480 which is £80 per person.

After you have booked, simply get in touch with your preferred dates and we will get you booked straight in! anona@thevenisonkitchen.co.uk

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When purchasing, please note your telephone number and 3 possible dates for the demonstration morning so we can call you to arrange the best date!